
Insecure Writer's Support Group

As I mentioned on Sunday, one of my goals for this spring is to make more connections in the writing world. I think one of the better ways to do that is to make sure I'm connecting with folks in the blogging world, which I fell out of a bit at the end of last year. My summers are SO busy, and I just didn't have the energy to spend writing or reading in addition to my long work weeks. It took until about October to feel refreshed and by then I'd lost my habit of writing regularly. So I dove into NaNoWriMo (and won! yay!) and then didn't do any more blogging in December. Up and down, up and down.. Not so much with habits on the blogging front. Anyway, the hope is that I can get into a real habit, and one of the things I wanted to do to help that out was to join the Insecure Writer's Support Group - a bunch of lovely writers who help each other 'rock the neurotic writing world' haha

So here's a confession for my first IWSG post: I've wanted to join for quite a while, but never could quite make the commitment. You could say, 'well it's just the first Wednesday of each month - what's the big deal?' but here's the thing: I think it's like taking the first step in AA - you have to admit you have a problem before you can start getting better. So here I go: My name is AJ and I have a writing addiction. No, not an addiction, and as previously mentioned, not a habit either. I have a .. thing. I have a thing about writing. I love it and always have. I've gone through phases of calling myself a writer, and not calling myself one. But I suppose that since I've got a book published and another one in the works, I have to admit that I am a writer and own it too!

So this is me owning it, and waving hello to the other IWSG folks. I am looking forward to meeting all of you!