we juggled at the park with our buddies for almost two hours tonight. well, not all juggling.. a lot of it was playing silly catch games with the smaller children. by smaller i mean i think they were about 5? mostly it was the parents learning how to juggle, and one slightly older boy. i think he's 11. in all i think there were 5 adults and 6 or 7 kids, plus tim and i. we pretty much took over the small park. we decided that we are going to meet there at 10 pm every Monday night. looks like we've created our own little juggling/playing club! yay!
one of the women brought us a bag with about a pound and a half of kimchi, and a small container of pickled eggs and mushrooms. SO GOOD! the kimchi is better than what we've gotten at most restaurants. it's not as spicy, so you can actually taste the other things. like ginger. yum. anyhow. here are some pictures of us with random food things we have gotten the last couple of days:
tim with yummy food. clockwise from tim's head we have donuts (that were cheap and tim was excited :P ), bag o' kimchi, pickled eggs and mushrooms, mini oranges that you don't peel, cherry tomatoes we got at the wedding, and haitai yoghurt (a drinkable yogurt that we first experienced mixed with what is basically korean vodka, only tastes better than vodka and is a handy little snack)

and me loving some kimchi. mmmmm.... note the juggling clubs in the background. yeah. good night :)