A to Z Challenge: Appreciation
This post is part of the April A-Z Blogging Challenge. This year my theme is simply, "things I know." Some posts will be informational, some about life lessons, some about things I've learned as an author/blogger.
Today's word is: Appreciation. I wanted to start my A-Z with taking a moment to say how much I've appreciated working with the whole A-Z co-host team, and my wHooligans, this spring. I was a bit intimidated at first when Tina asked me to join the co-Host team, as I'm just a little blog. A-Z is one of the only things I've really done to reach out to other Bloggers, so being asked to co-host was an honor. It was also kind-of crazy to be thrown in with the calibre of other folks on the team. But they've been fun to work with and we've gotten some good stuff done this spring, so thank you to the whole A-Z team! This is going to be an amazing month :)
Also a super-special thank you to my wHooligans, Shilpa, LuAnn, TaMara, Kripali, Helen and Elsie! You're the best a gal could ask for!