(do you ever feel like your life is going really fast and how are you going to do all the things you want to do and there are so many things to see and stories to tell and agghhh..)
This last weekend I attended my first writing workshop! Well, my first since middle school creative writing camp, anyway.. It was a three day intensive, so we met for three hours Friday night, eight hours Saturday and four hours on Sunday. It was a loonnnnnggg weekend, but so deliciously educational and fun. Going back to regular ol' work on Monday was rough. No lie.
I spent the whole weekend working on the second of my two NaNoWriMo projects. Specifically on developing my hero character and having consequent revelations about how those developments impact the plot of the whole thing. At the end we had to read aloud a three page concept document and I was SO nervous! I haven't really done that kind of sharing with an unfinished project before.
I got some really great positive and constructive feedback. One of the things people said was that I could make it into three novellas, rather than one long novel. And I LOVE the idea, but oh man it's going to be some work. I'm totally stoked to do it, now just to find the time..
What projects are you trying to find time for this month?
This post is part of the Insecure Writer's Support Group, a bloghop dedicated to writers supporting one another through this crazy thing called 'being a writer'. They're a good bunch - check my buddies out!